Monday, September 17, 2007

Ice cream, espresso style

Like the majority of college students, I love coffee.

It's the elixir of life.

It's the perfect wake-up call, study companion, eye-opener and friend-maker.

Mix it with ice cream, however, and the result is the closest thing to heaven on earth.

Which is why I love affogato.

It may sound like a Starbucks creation that costs five bucks but has at least $10 worth of calories, but that's not necessarily the case.

Affogato, which literally means "drowned" in Italian, is traditionally vanilla ice cream with a double shot of espresso poured over it, according to Mangia Bene Pasta, an Italian recipe Web site. Caramel or chocolate syrup can also be drizzled on top, sundae style.

It's like an elitist's root beer float.

As the ice cream melts, the espresso becomes creamy and sweet, the perfect blend of two perfect things.

The best part is, after the sugar high wears off, the caffeine will keep you rocking well into the night before an exam.

And for the coffee shops that don't serve ice cream, a similar treat is a con panna, or espresso served with a dollop of rich whip cream on top, according to Chris Hess, assistant director of Everyday Joe's Coffee House.

This delicate dessert isn't reserved for trips to Vienna, either. The Alley Cat offers $2 affogato specials on Thursdays, and Starbuck's infamous Frappuccinos can be served "affogato style," with an extra shot poured over the top (for an extra fee, of course).

So next time you're craving a perk and a pint, opt for the affogato.

I know I did, and I'll post this just as soon as my hand stops twitching enough to type.

1 comment:

Jeff Browne said...

Great writing and good information.